Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the quit hand clutching a dove 's body

Previously, the concept of my pigeons from television or paperbacks , and sometimes in some of the barbecue cage , have had a glimpse of passing at , so I showed no particular impression .
Last night, several colleagues should Of compact, common apt a mini known roast canteen , we sat down later the saluting , it was said : rather dine 1 alternatively two birds , animals do no dine half a catty . Others say: Here the . penetrate, they have bake dove ! surfaced quickly in front of me came out of the house tits cute tiny cuckoo entities , bear in idea namely some non- mien , merely unanimous in prefer, I discard the fancy had to give up .
in Everyone's laughter , I excuse sneak pigeon imprison next to the imprison , there are dozens of alter colors , different sizes of pigeons , they are eating banquet, relish , and some meal, a few attach, Compact , lightweight body with every other nestle ,toronto escort, naive , head , two circular little eyes lustrous with sparkling light, see me , nailing , and a regards ? namely strange ? still want to communicate with me ? when the pace of sound, BBQ Master came , versed have to open the cage , powerful and exact catch a big hand gray pigeons, pigeons struggling , feeble legs, weak Dengzhe , wretched eyes looked at me , I feel my center blow faster , and The hands of merciless and cruel main , the left hand clutching a pigeon 's body, right hand holds its nape , and then force the opposite way left and right rotation, instant, just still enjoy the food , experience the tenderness of elves so decapitated , and I see that there is lost the moment the 1st body spasm ,toronto escort, it is the terminal statement on life !
main blankly holding a dove 's body to roasted dishes , and on the floor, bloody pigeon head , a pair of Large round eyes broad open ,he has been apt Beijing, eyes no longer rotate , but , fear, grief and rage but not firm in the pupil .
I witnessed this brutal scene , my heart sad inexplicable produced , complete with cover Members of pleasure together . I began to comfort myself , not sad, it is in the livelihood of ecological balance , this is the fate of pigeons . But , no stuff what, this savory invincible The !

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