Wednesday, April 27, 2011

eventually witnessed today

Today, I and teammate Zhang Fan ,toronto escorts, Wang Ke team came to Beijing on benefit of the seaman zoo ,UK navy stamina deed arrange issued, partook in the So, today is full of the morale into the first activity .
first close adjoin with these lovely smart beasts , is truly also happy, feeling the flat skin and they melodrama games they do interact , I Feel actually lucky it! merely namely is no optimistic approximately their alive surroundings , the mood was very cumbersome , so here, also, hope extra folk to add this play , care is attach to their animals Let us begin from the life bit at bit it !!!
sea lion a kiss , so I am incited ~ ~ ~ it is well behaved , quite cute ~ ~ ~ Also, it namely also fitted see shy Cute ~ ~ ~
kissing dolphins and sea lions , is a classic !!!
domesticated member directing the lovely dolphins act various performances movement ,shanghai escort!!!
had formerly been on TV To the sea urchin , eventually witnessed today , and it it pleasing ~ ~ ~

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