Thursday, April 28, 2011

a healthy well-being does no necessarily have many sense

Everyone ambitions to know what happiness is, in fact, happiness is a emotion of satisfaction and happiness, of way, is not good or bad mood for no cause, and is based on the needs and desires in life are the extent to encounter this objective circumstances, the chief There are these ten factors: safety, health, wealth, sex, distraction, family, friendship, love, work, ideals.
a happiness factor
1, security is not intimidated m individual life is the life most elementary needs, war, gangster activities, social murderer cases, personal hatred, hazardous work-related chances, and so will bring death menaces, a secure is not cozy to understand that people generally happy, but losing it is easy to feel safe it does no good at all. < br> 2, m health, including health either physical and psychological health, and equally important, and people also constantly do not know how to adore health, until losing will know how expensive health, a healthy well-being does not necessarily have much sense, there is not happiness without health is certain.
3, m has ample wealth to nourish the maintenance of asset is an necessary factor of happiness,Australians cry it, enough to earn a living in that before the growth of the more wealth the more happiness, but If ample to retain livelihood, the more wealth will not bring more happiness even without the needful linkage between the 2.
4, libido m happy God-given human factor, by the time not inverse to moral law does not injury others, rational sexual satisfaction and sexual channel can amplify happiness.
5, m Entertainment Entertainment instinct of human pursuance of happiness, from the amusement of all the good entities in life, elegant gratitude, physical and psychological experience, so we have a lot of entertainment such for literature, craft,beijing escort, games , a kind of interests and hobbies, entertainment, accustomed to relieve the grief and distress in life, to enhance human happiness.
6, family m from the blood relationship of love, including dad, mommy love, sibling love, filial Love, love and joint care includes affective, source of human emotion, no emotion of the people are lonely and helpless.
7, friendship m solitary human in order to handle with the context of alarm, the instinct to create friendship, friendship Concert is the highest class of near friends friend is the family tin not be replaced.
8, adore, saint m is a people sensation of love, sexuality and further based ashore sexual desire, is to enjoy, cherish, respect, understanding, protection, devotion and additional noble emotion Sublimation is the most beautiful emotion on earth.
9, m doing the go of their favorite work,shanghai massage, the aptitude of individual strengths into full melodrama, famous achievements, esteemed, and this is to browse the amount of life and self-realization, is sublimation of the go is an important factor in happiness.
10, the ideal m namely elated apt live the maximum ideals, ideal by always levels are too cheap,toronto escort, the noble ideal is the state, society, whatever the public to make one major contribution to the cause , if or not to be acknowledged and highly complimented social history were to remain,beijing escort, for the noble ideal of alive is the highest state of pleasure in life is the final meaning of life.

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