Wednesday, April 27, 2011

fewer airy evaporation and the measure of water absorbed at plants

China's aggregate water resources is 2.8 trillion cubic meters. Which 2.7 trillion cubic meters of surface water, groundwater 0.83 trillion cubic meters, the conversion of surface water and groundwater, supply each other, either web of the value of 0.73 trillion cubic meters of double counting meters, with runoff of groundwater resources will not repeat about 0.1 trillion cubic meters. in accordance with internationally acknowledged criteria, less than 3,000 cubic meters per capita water resources of mild water shortage; fewer than 2000 cubic meters per capita water resources of moderate water; less than 1,000 cubic meters per capita water resources is a serious water shortage; less than 500 cubic meters per capita water resources because the extreme lack of water. China immediately has 16 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) per capita water resources (not including transit water) under the line of severe water shortage, there are 6 provinces and autonomous regions (Ningxia, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Jiangsu) is less than 500 cubic meters per capita water resources. China is not over total water resources, ranked first in the globe 6,shanghai massage, and less per capita, 2240 cubic meters, the World Bank ranked 153 countries in 88. China is quite uneven geographical distribution of water resources, the area south of the Yangtze River basin and its land area is only accounting for 36.5% of the water resources account for 81% of the country; the north, the country's total land area of ​​63.5%, its water volume only occupies 19%.
facing this severe situation of water resources , what we do to:
1, have pity water awareness, and only realized that the br> 2, to form good habits, such as off the leaking faucet, etc..
3, using water-saving appliances,
4, leak plug flow, in terms of production, in particular, high consumption of water fhardly everme industry, we should focus on how to optimize the action of water systems, how to improve cycle of concentration of water, how to increase recycling of water resources such as water conservation work, actively systematize technical research to improve the comprehensive utilization of water; also develop practical viable operating system on water consumption of a fixed production management, and technical and economic indicators as an assessment, to reduce waste.
many people assume the Earth as a blue planet, its surface area scope of 71% water. In fact, 97.5% of the water on Earth is salt water, only 2.5% is freshwater. while in fresh water, nearly 70% of the freezing of water pollution in the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets in the data, maximum of the recess of the water know next to nothing ofil deep groundwater, it is laborious extraction for human use. rivers, lakes, ponds and water sources such as shallow groundwater exploitation easier for straight human use, but less than the digit of 1% of the world's fresh water, always water on Earth about 0.007%. information on the global yearly water precipitation to land on the mainland about 110 trillion cubic meters,of which 2 were die ., less cloudy evaporation and the amount of water preoccupied along plants, the world's river runoff is about 42.7 trillion cubic meters, according to the 1995 world population, The average annual amount of water accessible per human per 7300 cubic meters. As the world's growing population, this average has decreased in 1970 compared with 37%.
If you do not cherish the last drop of blood will be equivalent to (large Natural misery wail)
Haihe River, Liaohe River,toronto escorts, Huaihe River, Yellow River, Songhua River, the Yangtze River and jewelry River 7 major river systems are subject to different levels of pollution.
amusement path the situation is no optimistic, ruddy tide in mid-Ruqierzhi . in the pretty Bohai Bay, turbidity were destroying, the fuel floating ashore the sea like a torch to burn the black-edged sea life.
With the ongoing development of science, plant the gradual increase in tall mansions, water shortages increasingly The more serious. With the erasure of mankind, the original that the blue resources of the world only about 2% of the total amount of water, and can be only human use of fresh water on Earth three hundred thousandths total amount of water, accounting for the total water storeroom capacity of 0.34%. Thus, the earth can be use of water is not so much the human imagination, and if they persist to be subjected to the ravages of mankind, sooner or later it will vanish.
If you do not cherish the final drop of blood ambition be equivalent to (the nature indignant cries)
Haihe River, Liaohe River, Huaihe River, Yellow River, Songhua River, the Yangtze River and Pearl River 7 major river systems are subject to different levels of pollution.
fun way the situation can not be optimistic about the mid-Ruqierzhi red tide. In beautiful Bohai Bay, turbidity were breaking, the oil movable on the sea like a torch to burn the black-edged sea life.
With the progressive development of science, plant high-rise gradually increased, scale up serious water shortages . With the destruction of mankind, the original that the blue accounted for 2% of the Earth about the total amount of water, and can be only human use of fresh water on Earth three hundred thousandths total amount of water, accounting for the total water storage capacity of 0.34%. Thus, the earth can be utilized water is not so many the human imagination, and if they continue to be subjected to the ravages of mankind, sooner or later it will disappear.
First of all, to establish a pity the water awareness, water advising schooling. For a long time, most it is generally adopted that water is an inexhaustible supply of not wealthy in water resources, regional distribution is not uniform, and unpredictable during the year, a large inter-annual differences, coupled with serious pollution caused by water are in short supply conditions, the Yellow River water is a vivid manifestation of the various drying times . fired the Yellow .
Second, development of water resources have to be reasonable, to dodge water abuse. water resources development, including development of surface water and groundwater resource development. the water in the exploitation of groundwater, because of the large inconsistency between the water quality of aquifers should be divided floor mining; have been contaminated shall not be confined water diving and miscellaneous mining; disclose and penetrate the water membrane on the exploration project, must be strictly in consensus with pertinent provisions of the stamp and the sealing layer of go to do to effectively discourage water pollution and ensure sustainable development of water itself.
modern engineering, such as overrun control, power generation, navigation, irrigation, aquaculture and water supply play one or more economic benefits in the same time, the project place, on the lower reaches of estuaries and the whole basin of the natural environment and social environment will have a negative impact, can likewise cause a range of water damage. In addition, some water damage to the mining industry can not be ignored, such as the mining of coal per ton of coal mined in the drain to discharge 0.88 cubic meters of water, 300 million tons of coal by the province per year for mining losses only up to 250 million cubic meters of groundwater resources, groundwater and geological cause large damage. Again, unlimited deforestation, resulting in serious plant destruction of surface soil humidity and water can also cause a definite impact burial.
Third, improve water use efficiency, reduce water loss. Water is the key to effective use of water reuse. In addition, the use of economic levers adjust the effective use of water resources. As water management is not in area, many places the phenomenon of a long-running water, and some places will water metering appliance, the implementation of the conviction of charging pile up water to effect water conservation intentions. urban water management is the internationally preferred scale reach, which is approved in the technological premise of water, adhere to the principles of assortment of treatment, the public water , water for industrial and commercial enterprises, government organizations and institutions apply different water bodies of water, among a fixed equality, the excess part of the appropriate fee increase in order to cultivate the habit of citizens to save water.
while saving water should be avoided with a legal waste. northern winter , water is easy to cracking, resulting in serious leakage, particular attention to the prevention and inspection; with the socio-economic development and hastened urbanization process, in order to ease the tense situation of water resources, in addition to great efforts to conserve and defend water resources work, inter-basin water migrate has transform an inevitable choice for northern cities in China, inter-basin migrate of water resources will inevitably send about changes in supply and demand, it will be in the implementation of water rights transactions; because our country has been implementing the water is not remedied as an economic commodity, so the arrangement of water resources, the market machinery is constantly replaced by the control usage, the current should change their fancies and understanding of the natural attributes of water resources and commodities, attribute, emulate the laws of nature and value of statute, does the water as a commodity, reasonable petition of market mechanism in the allocation of water resources, reduce waste of resources.
Fourth, pollution obstruction and control of water resources, comprehensive utilization of water resources. Water pollution, including both surface water and groundwater pollution part of the making process of industrial wastewater, industrial waste, industrial waste, sewage and waste can penetrate through different means to cause the pollution of water resources, a long time, because of the industrial production of sewage directly efflux environmental events caused by frequent It is a human production, a very wrong life impact, accordingly, should be on the production and servant sewage for effective control. in urban centralized sewage manipulation can be taken the way; industrial enterprises must implement green The nature of the different treatment by the proper amounts. In short, we must firmly implement the supervision and management of water pollution control system, we must cling to the principles of those who established pollution and rigid enforcement of environmental ballot veto system level, to subserve enterprise to carry out the work of sewage treatment, and ultimately utilization of water resources.
for the existence of life on Earth water is the stuff foundation, water is to retain global environment obligation for sustainable development, therefore, protection of water resources is the greatest human beings, the most sacred responsibility.
According to statistics, 660 cities in more than 400 cities short of water, 2 thirds of the city there namely inadequate water afford, water absence in cities along the nation of 6.0 billion cubic meters, of which the more serious water absence in 110 cities. a lot of fresh water resources are concentrated in the south, the north south water fresh water resources is merely 1 / 4. In adding to water absence, water pollution problems are more emphatic. According apt the 2001 partition of our seven important river systems monitoring, to the 3 water quality tin enter the water vegetation only 29.5% of the minimum requirements, and aggravate than Grade V is as lofty for 44%; In increase, pollution of superficial groundwater resources in China is relatively general, the country of about 50% of shallow groundwater in areas of pollution were in a large part, about half of the metropolis City serious groundwater pollution district. As the wanton dismiss of industrial wastewater, resulting in more than 80% of surface water, groundwater is contaminated. At present, China city water supply to the cardinal surface water or groundwater, or water merged with 2, meantime some parts of China long-term overdraft of groundwater, leading to the emergence of local groundwater class ebb, and afterward the formation of regional groundwater depression cones. present the country has fashioned more than 100 regional groundwater cone of depression, one area of ​​150,000 square kilometers, and some hundreds of square kilometers of the city formed a colossal funnel, so namely tens of kilometers of sea water intrusion.
1, to develop green, increase in forest area of ​​water conservation. forests have water conservation, reduce evaporation and ineffective character of micro-climate norm, with a slitting sense. forest and jungle corner precipitation may increase, with the open source sense.
2, increase the comprehensive utilization of water resources, water utilization in the same space is characteristic. flood storage reservoirs can also be farmed aquatic animals and plants, a large navigable water, Some water may also open up tourism. hydropower water used, can be used for irrigation. canal and field seepage of water, can be floor out of use of water pumped from the ground, you can repeat the downstream irrigation area out, re-use. Xinjiang in arid regions, there is not agriculture without irrigation, ways to improve the rate of river water, to line up between the upwards and downstream of water, equivalent to open water.
3, water diversion project. Due to the geographical, climatic specifics, water distribution is not between regions balance. the use of natural ingredients and artificially transformed, accommodated to the rainy area of ​​the water shortage area, is to solve water shortage, prologue up new economy zones effective manner.
4, water resources protection. water is contaminated, so could not use the use of water into the water, in truth, equal to the decrement of water resources. Currently, there are 40% of the rivers in differ degrees of pollution, and there is an ascent trend.
5, city development and utilization of water resources, development of water treatment, water reuse technology. cities, industrial production and the lives of some high-quality treated water purification complex, you can reach a certain quality standard, as a non-potable water used in the green, health water, etc. .
6, development and promotion of water-saving appliances. According to lacking statistics, China currently has approximately 40 million sets of lavatory water tank and a lot of additional health equipment, leaking toilet every annual on a billion cubic meters of water loss.
7 strengthen the protection of water resources, water preservation and advocacy work of the lawful system, strengthening the public awareness of water maintenance, so that folk consciously achieve that water is a scanty resource, forsake the , a amount of water resources, conservation of water resources and protection of water resources of the good society began to form.
protection of water resources, the first to mobilize the entire society to change the traditional conception of water. to make people understand that water is precious Each time the toilet used by the red water, equivalent to some amplifying countries, journal per capita water consumption; summer punch a chilly water bath, use of water is equivalent to dozens of everyday water consumption countries; taps not been tightened, the loss of one night The water is equivalent to dry areas of Africa or Asia, the citizens of a village on the total drinking water, this can not be sensational, but years of relevant United Nations agencies examine results. Therefore, to pray to the whole society to retention water, a water use full use of recycled water.
reform of the present water system, reinforce the government's macro-control, increase the intensity of pollution control and environmental conservation is an telling way of protection and utilization of water resources. At present, it ought intensify reform, to break the industrial monopoly , a sound organization, unified management, in National water inspectors to create a bottom-up system. further amount reform, the implementation of seasonal water prices, water shortage areas in the higher expense tariff taxed to limit water use and so on. Only in this way can benefit the surroundings and dwindle costs in mandate to take the road to sustainable development.
full use of market mechanisms, development of water market with Chinese characteristics, to optimize allocation of water resources, protection and utilization of water resources is also important. 21st century is the century of water. China's water industry ushered in an unprecedented development opportunity. It is foresaw that China's water industry should have more than one trillion room treatment in 2005 only had 400 billion yuan in the market of a share. over the years due to protection. This situation in the new historical situation, should be changed.
China is a serious drought and water shortage in the country. fresh water resources total 2.8 trillion cubic meters, accounting for 6% of global water resources, second only to Brazil, Russia and Canada, ranking fourth in the world, but only 2,200 cubic meters per capita, only the world average of 1 / 4, United States, 1 / 5, ranked 121 in the world, is the world's water resources in 13 individuals one of the poorest countries.
According to monitoring, ground water in most cities across the country subject to a certain amplitude and area of ​​point pollution, and the trend of increasing year by year. the increasingly serious water pollution not only reduces the use of water functions, and further exacerbated the shortage of water resources for China's sustainable development strategy is being implemented to bring a serious impact, but also a serious menace to the safety of drinking water to urban dwellers and people's health.

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