Sunday, April 24, 2011

and extra prosperous than in the past

We see in the world is just thrilling sky changes occurred in a small chapter of the hereafter will see pile up people nervous. These are the people in the watch, people ran the catastrophe .
text: fluttering of flag Lin
recent years, NASA scientists and astronomers in additional countries constantly publish some shocking news of mankind, are on the explosion of stars in the universe, havoc, restructuring, and new story , stunning. This is what we peoples do with it? fair let us boost the astronomical learning? not so easy. for the Earth in the galaxy, the Milky Way in the accident of colossal change, the world can not remain unchanged.
fable are always approximately end of the globe in 2012, an burst of stars in the universe is not destroyed? the bombing could not destroy it? truly destroyed some of them, is the end of the world. yet the wizardry is, some even a new life in the explosion, and more prosperous than in the elapse, and the birth of countless star! about sounds like a fable, but these pictures and reports from those who are touched with, to see scientists watch to believe.
recent years, the casual reports that there are dozens of birds or whales, Many people began to impact, and to this phenomenon and the legend of 2012, interlocked.
Let us look at the media group was slew during recent years Niaoyu lacking statistics:
2005 年 U.S. forgery of mammoth whales beach mass suicide has died 17 [IMAGE]
U.S. pilot whales beach procreate mass suicide, has died 17.
why whales hunk stranded, suicide has all been a riddle 1 .2005 months, dissimilar 30 bull whale, North Carolina in the United States ran aground aboard a gulf. a cloud of the first whale was lying in muddle 8 km-long coast.
2005 thousands of Turkish sheep jumping a group governor Suicide
leading a sheep jumping Turkey, thousands of sheep to commit suicide.
a Turkish shepherd suffered a startle that he's most thrilling events of this life: July 2005, when the morning It’s about time he drove his flock to graze on the hillside, the bird sheep really bound without any signs of a precipice, then it's 1500 Witnesses narrated the scene as just jumped off a scarp only a total of 450 sheep action in the dead of suicide. also deserving to accumulation of large bodies of sheep into a thick membrane of protective cushion, so that was jumping the sheep was proficient to survive lucky ample to repossess a small life. twice within 24 hours in Tasmania, beached, about 130 whales killed. Wildlife officials say about 80 pilot whales on October 25 night in Tasmania afresh, Mali Enhai suicide mass strandings Bay. And just a few hours ahead, nearly 60 beached whales die in the same place since.
2005 beach, a great digit of herring in the United States one unknown beach, a large number of U.S. deaths are frightful
unknown dead herring, shocking.
2005 年 12 months, the United States, tens of thousands of dead herring on the beach in the Virgin Royces.
2006 80 long beach in New Zealand pilot whale mass stranding of 37 pilot whales died
80 long waterfront, New Zealand hunk stranding of 37 deaths.
2006 年 11 months, the rescue operators in New Zealand beach outlook lua Kaka pilot whales died. There 77 pilot whales stranded on the beach north of Auckland, while rescue workmen in crisis rescue, there are still 37, whale can not work to sea travel.
2007 年 Bay of Bengal, the mysterious death of nearly a thousand turtles
Bay of Bengal, the mysterious death of nearly a thousand sea turtles.
2007 年 2 months India and Bangladesh, officials said the two countries India and Bangladesh are attributable to the Bay of Bengal sea turtles only recently exposed nearly dead beach.
2007 in Dalian in the mysterious death of ten thousand bees body covered road surface
Dalian mysterious death of nearly ten thousand bees body covered road surface.
2007 年 8 months, Jinzhou District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, a small tree covered with roadside Kitayama ten thousand only bodies of dead bees. It is reported that , before the bees go in cleaning the body, and there are also sweep away more than million.
2007 beach in Iran within 1 month of 152 dolphins died
group within 1 month of the Iranian Beach 152 Dolphin collective death.
since the end of September 2007, there have been 152 dead dolphins on the beach in this area. such a large mass suicide caused the dolphins departments, and environmental cares, but no one can give the correct answer. < br> 2007 Indian River Crocodile mysterious mass death
mysterious mass death of crocodile rivers of India.
6 meters in length, has a long lessen nose and mouth, these functions make India the world's crocodile One of the most peerless crocodile.
2007 winter, this very endangered category are also affected by a major beat, only a short duration of 5 months, there are more than 100 Indian crocodile's body was rushed to the Indian Chang Barr (Chambal) on the bank, no one knows the occasion of death.
2008 bats in the United States, New York, New York collective death
curious death of collective bat.
2008 年 3 months, U.S. scientists in the country's largest A to Adirondack bat habitat areas found in hibernating bats had a collective get up up suddenly, and during the day in the depth of the flight, the bats eventually woke up all of these are bizarre death. why they're suddenly in hibernation collective wake up? and travel at night in the depth of bats flying during the day and how? no one can respond.
2008 年 Hundreds of penguins died in the Brazilian coast
hundreds of penguins in Brazil Coast death.
2008 年 7 months, the Brazilian coastal resort city Cabo frio adviser of environmental conservation and Pimenta said that the beach in Rio de Janeiro over the past two months, the penguins body found in more than four hundred. No one knows causes.
2008 England and the worst in 30 years the death of more than 20 dolphins died
collective 30 years of the worst British dolphin deaths, more than 20 collective death.
2008 年 6 months, in the UK Kangwo Seoul (Cornish) riparian area, a group of dolphins were trapped, their cries for aid reached the distant sea. including the mouth of a dolphin caught in the sediment, the other a few centimeters deep in the river struggling. until rescue personnel arrived, most of the dolphins have died, and only a few dolphins can survive. No one knows why dolphins here. treatise first appeared in the report after the dolphins stranded, dolphin deaths occurred. rescue While officers tried to rescue the dolphins, try to stop the mouth of the vessel, but not from any blocking.
British Marine Life Rescue organization Daryl. Thorpe confused, said: But instead we were circled by them, this is too unbelievable. I not saw the location like this. prevent the dolphins can lead to their decease into the creek, salvage personnel surrounded them disturbed, not allow them apt salvage? Of course this is no their intention, then why do not absence to die too do not have to die?!
2008, Zhejiang, China Pieris province for several tens of thousands of roadside God Pieris collective court death for several tens of thousands of God
roadside collective court death!
2008 年 6 months, Shi Lin, Wenling City, Zhejiang Province, China for some 200 meters long lines on the road Every day thousands of vehicles killed by a pearly butterfly.'ve seen this scene were baffled. butterflies only in the jungle near the industrial district southeast of stone lines the partition, separated by tens of meters away, you can see the ground littered with bits and pieces of white, the more the more condensed near the essence, about 200 meters along the road so the formation of a lustrous white br> Australia more than 200 deaths caused fear surrounded residents of gulls.
2008 年 7 months, Jing Xian in Western Australia has a large number of dead birds fall from the sky. this is the second time in 7 months there is such a strange phenomenon. a large number of dead birds The emergence of local people on health and safety caused by the utmost panic. experts conducted an autopsy on the body Seagull tests, but did not find any suspicious areas. local administration conducted a examine of the handy factory, also found no certify of chemical contamination.
2008 China's big night owl into cages, tortured to death
Thousand giant owl chicks into the cages at night, thousands of chickens tortured to death!
2008 年 8 月 morning, an owl in a large size headlong into the Ma Guangheng home has more than 1,800 chickens in cages spent the night, dawn, when Ma Guangheng burglar, they found two owls only dine chicken, but there are more than 1,300 chickens were in the stampede torment alive dead.
2008 crocodiles in South Africa 150 South Africa 150
the mysterious death of the mysterious death of crocodile!
2008 年 9 months, South Africa's largest wildlife shrine Crocodile Kruger National Park, a large number of mysterious mortality. animal experts found that in the past three months, the park has over 150 crocodiles have been mysterious deaths, which caused the person in charge of defended areas, scientists and excellent concern. After an autopsy on the dead crocodiles, scientists found that these have all got a whole crocodile abscess. The disease can cause severe absence of vitamin C, leading to rigid. suffer from this disease can not swim and hunt crocodiles and eventually died of starvation or drowning.
2009, Switzerland Alpine bizarre collective Zhuiya 28 cows, 28 pate of livestock died
Alps collective Zhuiya recondite death.
2009 年 8 bizarre episode took place in the Swiss Alps, a small town phoned Falls, just 3 days of work , town of 28 bulls and cows have jumped hundreds of meters deep near the mysterious mass suicide cliff, instantly killed. It is reported that in the Alps, cattle occasionally slide fallen off a cliff of death, but so numerous cattle have jumped from the same cliff of death who had no.
2010 a lake in Germany Germany a large number of fish kills
body covered with large quantities of fish a lake lake!
2010 年 3 months, Germany Blankenburg登堡朗斯多夫 lake of fish dead, their bodies covered lake, agitating.
2010 Xiamen, China flock to commit suicide in the roof of the reservoir roof of the reservoir in birds
collective Xiamen death.
2010 年 5 months age Southern District, Xiamen Paving Centre had such a strange roof, the roof of the reservoir in birds within the mass suicide, witnesses said was to go down one after another, beginning with birds struggling in the water, the variety who gathered at the pond, flying down every once in a while wandering in the water, and eventually found a pool of 26 mathematics into the dark mouth of the end of December are movable in the pool birds. black-tailed Sparrow Prince Why collective jaws kill yourself?
2010 the British coast, like the mysterious death of dozens of seals to be inserted into a giant pencil sharpeners
the mysterious death of the British coast, as were dozens of seals, mattered giant pencil sharpeners.
2010 年 8 month, dozens of seals found in the eastern coast of the UK bodies after they were killed washed sea dirt, their Sizhuang are disgustful, the entire body has a huge spiral bruise, as if creature squeezed by giant pencil sharpeners After the scars. is incredible, and scaring.
2010 年 10 million fish die-US Arkansas, thousands of dead birds dripping dead
U.S. Arkansas 100,000 Fish die-!
Arkansas authorities said that since December 2010 began, the Arkansas River have been discovered tens of thousands of fish died the first stone.
Arkansas began as a large number of blackbirds fell from the sky fell to the ground death, and immediately tens of thousands of fish die-off. these dead fish December 30, 2010 was base because the first time, Arkansas wildlife officials began from January 2011 that the town in Bibby, gate to door accumulation of over a thousand bizarre to fall to the floor dead birds, most of these birds starling.
2011 年 mysterious bird deaths in the United States firing
U.S. Arkansas killed thousands of birds fall dead.
Year 2011 only the Red Wings the night more than 3,000 pert starling small town in Arkansas fbring ... to an endthe death of Bibi, a very strange male on the roof of Yan 8 flying, not the top of the tree. They crashed into houses and high structures, resulting in many deaths .
fewer than a week, Louisiana also found at least 450 dead birds. by expert checkup, these birds are beak and behind broken, death is a buffet cord. bird behavior with the author of the Institute people, biology professor, Mr. Kristol said, birds. 579 kilometers away from Arkansas State 3, Louisiana also had 500 birds fall dead memorabilia. Meanwhile, a Kentucky matron on a local TV station, said January 3 in the yard she found dozens of birds body.
California Highway Patrol commanders near Highway 101 also was found dead hundreds of groups of birds dead. They then report to the California Bureau of Fisheries hunting, wildlife officials began the investigation. These birds class did not have any wounds, not to be shot. no one can decrypt.
2011 the Swedish one thousand dead crows landing
1 5 March, in Gothenburg, Sweden 150 km north of the Verco flat city, it was found Nearly 1,000 dead crows. The official veterinarian is to investigate the specimen of dead birds, the cause of death is unknown. The crow and the United States fell from the sky, thousands of birds in the same fate.
2011 strange death on Fish
January 6 mass mortality of fish found in New Zealand, .1 7, more than 40,000 dead crab (also known as devil crabs) were bathed the South East Kent coast. Paranagua in Brazil but also to linger approximate the coast Under the death of at least 100 tons of sardines, croaker and catfish. in the chilly weather after a warm Florida, Sibu, such as (Spruce) river also found thousands of dead fish floating.
at a distance Beebe Arkansas west of the town, the birds fall dead from the site of the incident where 160 kilometers, up to 83,000 dead fish being washed up and dying fish the banks of the Arkansas River 32 km line., experts estimate that the dead fish The number may reach 100,000.
In increase, the environmental sector, Maryland, said the Chesapeake Bay in the state thousands of dead fish had been washed land, the deaths of tens of thousands of fish. context administration official Mr. Stoltzfus uncomfortable, said: waves?!
what senses? any touch?! we must not only love, but also to love animals, love nature, love life, love everything!

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