Wednesday, April 27, 2011

in subserving sustainable evolution plays one essential character.

Home】 【happy with the project amenable, as more and more users elated home】 【projects for the attention and support, I also increasingly ascertain and feel, as a non-forestry system of the general public, for forest-related knowledge The lack of comprehending, misconceiving and forestry work for I do not know. so in the future in a blog, continued to join natural ecosystems, forestry and additional appearances of technological knowledge, will chance different of our project progress reports that important work outside the . We wish that through this window and platform, granting more users on the natural, there is a comprehensive system of forestry and deeply careful knowledge and understanding, and accordingly the reason to assist our ecological protection, public welfare, and no equitable passion and enthusiasm for the center, because we ambition to be able to attach entire the way with you, shoulder to elbow.
forestry is very important and timely public welfare, but also a very important elementary industries with a kind of functions in the maintenance of ecological equilibrium and enhance the ecological surroundings and promoting sustainable economic and social development has a very important position and role.
First, the status of resources on forest treatment.
forestry sector undertakes the construction and protection of the a system, a variety of stock volume of 13.721 billion cubic meters of forest. The new China was founded 60 years ago, China's forest coverage rate of 8.6% to the current dictate and 20.36%, continued to lessen in forest resources in the world position, China has become the fastest growing global forest resources in the country. < br> 3. wetland resources: The country of existing single-block area of ​​more than 1,500 acres of 5.77 million mu of various types of wetlands, the wetland area of ​​the world's 6.4%, ranking the world's No. 4. Among them, 5.44 million acres of natural wetlands. At present, China has Various Wetland Nature Reserve 550, 100 National Wetland Park, 37 wetlands of international magnitude.
4. Desert resources: citizen desertification land area of ​​39.54 million mu, the same time, there is a serious 4.8 million acres of land desertification trends. < br> 5. Biodiversity resources: China is the world's most profuse wildlife resources, one of the countries, there are over 57,000 varieties of brutal beasts, more than 30,000 kinds of wild plants, most situated in the forest, wetlands and desert. countries protection of 449 varieties of wild animals (class), forestry sector management 370 (class), the national key protected wild plants 254 (class), forestry sector management 205 (class). At present, China had created 2538 ecology keeps Office, accounting for 15.1% of land area, including construction and management of the forestry sector have 2012.
Second, the ecological role of forestry mammoth, is to provide the main body of ecological productions.
forest, wetland, desert is the Earth's land The 3 most important ecosystems for maintaining overall ecosystem function, and promote global ecological security and promoting the coordination of economic and ecological, and link play chief role in the production of ecological products bear the distinctive mission, such as: carbon dioxide, oxygen, absorption of dust, neat climate, water conservation, soil and water conservation, water purification, providing fresh water, sand-fixing, reduce rumpus, adjust the climate. These ecological products for people survival and development, quarter quondam one can not do without. to to determination the current People are most cared about soil erosion, desertification and water shortages for the 3 important ecological problems,shanghai massage, the role of forestry giant.
1. the role of forestry to dilute soil erosion. The absolute soil erosion area of ​​3.56 million square kilometers, accounting for one-third of the land area. The role of forests to reduce soil erosion is mainly reflected in two aspects: First,shanghai escort, one effective barrier to rain water erosion on the land instantly. It is amounted in millimeters of rainfall 300m400 location, forest soil erosion is 60 kg / ha, when the bare land is as high as 6750 kg / ha, the ratio is 1:110. Second, the forest favor a absorb to absorb large measures of rainfall, to attain complete, well-functioning forest, to conserve water 2150 tons of water.
2. forestry land of sand on the governance role of undergoing. serious land desertification in China, nearly 4 million people affected by desertification. forestry measures to control desertification, reduce wind flow on the surface air erosion, improving ecological conditions. through the years of vigorous handling, an area of ​​desertified land in China from the late 20th century, the average annual expansion of 90 3436 square kilometers, change to the current annual net reduction of 1,283 square kilometers.
3. The role of forestry aboard water safety. China faces a caustic water absence, only water more than 2100 cubic meters per capita, less than one-third of the globe level. At present, 400 billion cubic meters water in normal annuals, 400 for urban water afford fewer than 110 cities in a solemn water deficit, the mean yearly area of ​​nearly 4 million hectares of farmland affected along drought. the chief cause for the shortage of water resources: First, vegetation, water resources Hanxu quite feeble capacity, two-thirds of the water chief stream into the sea apt torrent the manner of vain; the second namely the only remaining off the water, for of serious pollution, so namely a considerable chapter of the detriment of use worth. Forest has a strong soil and water preservation, water preservation role. With the dense jungle canopy, forest floor and deep amplified root system, can continue to sponge precipitation 65-270 mm. via the role of forests in storing and infiltration and tin adapt the ratio of surface and groundwater, ambition be maximum effective natural precipitation into water. According to estimates, China's present forest can be almost 494.7 billion tons water culvert. In adding, wetland known for the . Meanwhile, the wetlands intricate physical, chemical and biological processes, pollution of water filtration, sedimentation, adsorption and decomposition, play a purification role. Beijing Experimental results show that the wetland can resist the scope of 5 water quality into the wetlands afterward the can be purified water for 3 alternatively extra classes.
4. According to the China Academy of Forestry estimates, only the conservation of forest ecosystems, water, solid soil, fertilizer, carbon sequestration, oxygen release, dust the total 6 ecosystem services value of 10 million yuan. of which 494.7 billion tons of water conservation, solid 7.035 billion tons of soil, fertilizer 364 million tons, 359 million tons of carbon sequestration, oxygen release 1.224 billion tons, dust 5.101 billion tons.
third, forest carbon sequestration has a strong features, is the strategic alternative to battle air alteration.
warming is a serious challenge facing the world to residence climate change is the general mission. climate change is mainly an addition in atmospheric carbon dioxide, forests have strong carbon sink function. It has been determined for each appended cubic meters of forest stock volume, we can absorb 1.83 tons of carbon dioxide and loosen 1.62 tons of oxygen. a 20 MW coal-fired power factories that release carbon dioxide a year, 48 million mu of false forests can absorb. A Boeing 777 helicopter and from the day junket from Shanghai to Beijing, the year of the release of carbon dioxide, 1.5 million mu of plantation can absorb. a year of normal driving Audi cars release carbon dioxide, 11 acres of plantation can absorb. According to estimates, Peking University, from 1981 to 2000 a total of carbon dioxide of 2.99 billion tons of forest, accounting for 22.6% of industrial emissions over the same period. According to the international calculation, in the Earth's ecosystem for the cache of 2.48 trillion tons of carbon , which is cached in forest ecosystems 1.15 trillion tons. and industrial emissions directly compared to an oblique rebate of forest carbon sinks small investment, cost-effective, and have a strong and practical possibility of selective degradation. my altitude importance of forest carbon sinks, *** President in 2009 made the United Nations climate change summit: China to vigorously addition forest resources, increase forest carbon sinks, forest area in 2020 than in 2005, an increase of 6 million hectares of forest stock volume than 1.3 billion cubic meters in 2005.
Fourth, forestry has a big economic function, in promoting sustainable development plays an important role.
present, forestry industry has formed a timber, and timber processing, forestry, chemicals, lumber pulp, forest tourism, bamboo, flowers, woody grain and oil, biomass stamina, dirt industry, wildlife breeding and utilization of comprehensive, renewable industry, the annual output value of 1.5 trillion yuan, the growth of the rural economy has become point and the hundreds of millions of peasants current opportunities of employment income. The current social concern raw materials security, stamina security, grain and oil security issues, as well as urban and rural development, stimulate domestic demand issues, forestry can make a major contribution;.
1. the development of forestry, solution based on the domestic wood supply, has become an pressing strategic task. China's annual consumption of wood and its products, conversion of wood 3.79 billion cubic meters, of which 137 million cubic meters imported. As the economy develops, demand for wood also increasing,wearing a dark cap leisure Putin, but the world is concerned about forest protection, numerous countries have taken measures to restrict timber exports. based on the domestic development of timber, maintenance of timber supply security, has become an important strategy.
2. the development of forestry, to improve the energy building and maintain energy security, has a huge convenience and potential. forests are second only to coal, oil, natural gas's fourth largest energy tactics. In particular, the forest is a renewable resource, the development of biomass energy has large potential and advantages. the existing 1.35 million acres of forest firewood and woody oil, paired with thinning, etc., each providing more than 300 million tons of biomass can reduce the current consumption of one tenth of the fossil energy. Moreover, China has for the development of biomass energy oil trees hundreds of category, there are 800 million mu of sterile hills and wasteland, nearly 15 million acres of saline land and sandy land, great potential for development of energy forests.
3. the development of forestry, the livelihood of the citizen grain security is major. of edible vegetable oil gap of 60%, need to import, there is a serious fuel security issues. China has a tea, a great number of nice walnut tree oil and is rich in land appropriate for afforestation potential of food oil through the development of woody forest construction, either can be solved oil problem, but too to make direction for the development of grain creation, China's grain security is to retain strategic push.
4. the development of forestry, for urban and rural development, stimulating domestic claim, with a very important role. rural and lack of coordination of urban development, is currently China's largest economic and social development incongruous. China has 900 million rural population and 27 million mu of collective forest land, mountainous areas list for 70%, 60% of the country mountain people station, development of forestry production, rural, especially in mountainous rural areas the most applicable and versed with the most potential industries.

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