Friday, April 22, 2011

incipient way

Whenever Liezi free time, Yin a surely take this opportunity to apologize him mystery. Liezi times rejected time and time again he would not narrate him. Until one day, he said: I accustomed to calculate you are very smart - is not vulgar to the point where you? Now, I'll acquaint you what I academic from my educator there what. serve 3 years afterward the main, my mind ambition no dare to muse approximately right and erroneous, my mouth is not longer defiance to work about the pros and cons . Until then, my master was fair glanced at me. 5 years later, my mind thought almost right and erroneous, talked about the pros and cons of my mouth. Master's face as the 1st time broadened into a laugh. 7 years later, I would favor to Those asset came to my mind, do not discriminate among right and wrong more; I said those asset to my mouth, no more distinction between the pros and cons. because the first time, the master plucked me over to sit with him. 9 years After that, I talk freely to what I muse, and talk freely mention that I have said, alternatively do not know, alternatively was, no stuff what I alternatively someone another to do, do not understand the master namely not my teacher . They are no assorted. Now my disciples, you did a annual is not over, you have time and anew manifested in pique and dissatisfaction with it! the world's greatest masterpiece is to be a disciple. It can not be than do naught. It is unique, unparalleled. in anybody additional relationship, as it does not exist the same object. as it did not exist the same thing. to be a disciple, together with the master, that is, into the nameless . There, you can not with the repugnant. If you're also combative, not the unknown ambition always show you. it can not be displayed to one repugnant mind. It is the nature of the case, you have to be receptive prefer than offensive. Discover the fact is not one lively reconnaissance, but a deeply passive - passive only in deep, you ambition accept, once you convert too vigorous, too much care, you will miss . favor a womb, reconnaissance is female, negate. you approve to accept the truth as a matron pregnant. Remember this, this and numerous asset will transform effortless to understand. together with the Master is just a passive absorption of the Master to all, absorbing anything shown in the master - not to advert requirements. Once you begin to make demands, you become aggressive, and approval is lost, you become active by. passive, negative (female ) no longer exists. No one had a direction with men - offensive, raging way - to have the truth. It is impossible. the truth to ascertain you, you voicelessly, silently met. In fact, you await, the truth will approach you., if the water looking for a low-lying land, it flows down to find a location into a lake. an active mind was too preoccupied in its own; an active mind thinks that the truth is. As long as one question that can, at fewest is conscious of the problem; just to respond, a talent to find and browse. But while you become passive, and even the problem is likewise not known. how to query? inquire? Why do you ask ? there is no problem, a human can not do anything, a human could do nobody yet wait. This is the patient - this is the infinite perseverance - because it is not a matter of time, this is not a wait of months or the problem a few years. If you have several years of persistence, it does not go. because when the mind have to be such that it is 3 years when, in fact it is not waiting. it is rapidly take the initiative to look forward to the end of 3 years, when he can jump up and become combative, start asking questions, then he can make the apply after the waiting phase, and immediately he has the right to know. is not that the same thing. No one will be allowed the right to know the truth. When you're prepared, suddenly, the moment will come. your perseverance have to not be temporal, but perpetual in nature. you're not waiting for anything, but just wait, because waiting is very beautiful. waiting for itself that is the way A masculine lumber pocket chant, waiting itself is favor a deep meditation, waiting itself is a magnificent way to reach - who another would go to anxiety about it? when waiting to become so entirely, so mighty, so full , the time lost waiting for access to the perpetual quality, then, quickly, you are ready. you have not been granted rights. Remember: You can not make claims. you're just ready, you do not even know you're ready to nice. because you know thatin itself will retard the ready; this that speaks for itself ego still exists, it is invisible elsewhere in a edge watching. ego has forever been aggressive, whether it is hidden hidden or not, it is obvious or not apparent. even hidden in the deepest corner of the senseless self is still offensive. When I was me, and become completely passive is to do the disciples of masterpiece, I mean: thawing of self- . that no one questions asked, so they did not have one - you become an blank house, a completely empty, just wait. Then, suddenly, you would have got it to you, do not you absence to ask. Christ said: existed in the teachers and students, but the master and his disciples essentially oriental phenomenon. teachers existed - they instruct a lot of students there too, really light Yen W students - they academic a lot. but Jesus can not be there find the disciples, he could not give the highest level of teaching. He said: If you beat on the gate, you will be rejected. because the door itself is offensive to require itself is rooted in the self. the requirements of this behavior, you're out, the door will not open for you. at the door this action, what are you act? You are too rude. No! in the temple door, beat on the door is not allowed. You ought quietly to the door, not even to be listened footsteps. you came, agreeable Like nothing over, who did not come. You wait at the door, if you get the door open. You can not wait not busy. you can relax sitting in front, so the door than you should know more when Open the door inside the master when more clearly than you should for you. beat on the door of the temple is vulgar; to the requirements of the master is not civilized to mention, because he will not teach you anything, he is not a teacher. He would the presence of his deepest - a treasure - the dart you someone. Unless you're ready, otherwise he will not give you. can not throw pearls in front of the pig. master to wait until you pigs of the vanished, until you {awake|wake up} until you become a real person, and those of animal - offensive, vulgar and violent - no longer exists. among master and disciple, not rape, but is rather deep adore relationship. the difference between science and religion is here. Science is like rape. In mandate to know the secrets of nature, science to normal attack. In array to reveal the mysteries of nature, normal science to the means of violence and coercion. religion is adore, is to convince, is the silence waiting. It makes for agreeable, so that once a person inherently ready, presently there will be an correction, anything will be orderly, natural will be visible to you. This shows is completely different. science compulsory nature give some facts, but the truth? not. science will never know the truth. those thieves who attack, those who were the maximum violent part of the facts only to the mugging, only this only. The truth that only the surface. most of them among the centre is still hidden, because it can not be accustomed in order to reach the core of the violence - not to use violence. the internal megalopolis will invite you, and only then you can enter. not invited, so no way. As a guest, invited, you can enter the sanctuary. the relationship between master and disciple is the maximum adore feasible - because this relationship is not two physical relationship, it is not based on happiness or satisfaction, not two minds, two friends, the delicate psychological harmony. not! It is not physical, not sexual; neither thought neither feeling. It is two entire, come together with each other into every other. If you ask, how can you be a whole? If you are attacked, you can not be whole. a whole is always silent; its inner there is no conflict. whole is serene, balanced, it is a mysterious one. wait nigh in the master, learn how together, and do nothing. a easy fixed in the center just waiting; of way, feel appetite, of lesson, be hungry, every fiber of the body, every cell will be there to experience appetite - but is still waiting, because when the master more time to understand. Do not knock on the door. the temptation will exist, in particular, the master will be free, the temptation will become very, very mighty. Why do not you ask him? he can give, then so what? why consume time? No, this is not a waste of time. In fact, patiently waiting for is the best use of time. Other is promising to be waste, but not to wait, because waiting is mandatory they bite o celebrate the center, waiting for a standstill, waiting is always. anything occurs through it. I call it the greatest art. Why? because between master and disciple, the greatest secret is to experience the most mysterious thing was to enjoy the highest things streaming. This is the relationship between the known and unknown, the relationship between the finite and the infinite, time and eternity The relationship between the relationship between the seed and flowers, the relationship between the tangible and potential, the relationship between quondam and hereafter. disciples only in the past, the master is only the future. here and now, in their deep love and Wait, they meet. disciples of time, the master is eternal. disciple is the mind, the master is no brain (no mind). disciples, he knew everything, all the master is unknown. When a bridge between the master and disciple , this is a miracle. between the known and unknown, establishing bridges between time and eternity, is a marvel. to do is to master, because he knows what to do. do not your thing, you should not be thing. Because if you do, you will upset the whole thing. You do not know what you are - how do you do? disciples to wait, know very well that he can not do it. He did not know the direction of what he did not know what good or wrong he did not know his own. how can he do? thing to do is master. But when I mention things to do is send the Master, do not misconceive me. Master never did anything - if the disciples to wait, the master's own existence become so. His presence becomes a catalyst for a lot of things will naturally start to occur. Someone asked the master of Qi Lin (Zenerin): you have of your disciples do? He said: What did I do? I did did not do. inquirer said: But you had so numerous things around, you must have done something. Qi within the forest, said: sit quietly and do nothing, spring comes, the grass grows naturally. This is Master does: sit quietly and do nothing, waiting for the right moment, waiting for spring. Once the master and his disciples met, it is spring. spring comes, the grass grows naturally. It happened that way. Master just sit and do nothing, and the disciples to wait for the master to do, then spring will come. Once they meet, the grass will naturally grow. In fact, the truth is a place (happening), a person can make it happen . there is nothing can be made instantly, one can only make it occur. unless it happens, otherwise you will not know it, because you only know what you do will only happen if you do nothing, nothing will happen. So you totally do not understand something completely different on the other side. But if you see at your own life, you will see a lot of things you did not make it happen. When love happens, you do What? grass will naturally grow. spring comes suddenly, something in your life to bloom a flower, it blooms for an individual and - you're in love. What do you do? This is why it is scared of love - because it is a place, you can not make it, you can not control it. This is why they say that love is blind. In fact, the truth of the inverse - love is the only remove view, love is the only eye, but People even say love is blind, because they love could do nothing. love possessed them, they no longer have control, they are distant better center. They say love is blind, because the cause was not there - it is irrational. It is like lunatic, like tall fever, as it get to you like a disease. It looks like this, because you lose control - life took over. qualities of truth with love. So Jesus said again: God how to do it? you do human? inhale, hold your breath for a few seconds, then you will know who you are not act. You can not screen for a long time. a few seconds, and the breath rushed out will be compelled , respiration, and hold: a few seconds, you will find it goes - will forcibly sucked in breath. In fact, the grass grows naturally as breathing. It is their own growth by decree, you do not that person. But self-avoiding to face this fact. self just look at what you can do. it chooses, the accumulation can do to dodge those things that will happen, put them into the unconscious. self is very picky, it is not a complete look at life. Truth is a place, the last place, the final place, in the accident of you into everything, everything into you. Lopa the vocabulary of the ladder, which is called Mahamudra, the ultimate orgasm, which occurs in a single awareness and overall sense of consensus within the whole sense of the ocean - in between the dew and the ocean. It is a totally orgasm, either sides are being lost in every other, self-melted. The same thing happened in the master and within his disciples. master role with the oceans, the disciples is a drip of water - limited and infinite meet. need a lot of patience and infinite patience. hurry is of no use. Now, attempt to understand this beautiful Zen parable. Let every word to reach the core of your existence. you come here is for this. if you can understand this story, you will be more affable to me. Whenever Liezi free time, Yin gifted use this chance to beg for the secret to him. Liezi is a master in the computer I was in Lao Tzu, a disciple of enlightenment. Liezi is not an mediocre master, he does not care about your tiny problem, do not attention about your behavior, he professors do not care about insignificant. Liezi only cared with the ultimate. He has many disciples. There are two disciples. one is a disciple of the master selected; the other is the master of the disciples of their choice. They are not the same quality. The Yin of Health must be the second classification - is mile. If you choose your master, it is very different. Of lesson, how do you know Master will not choose you. In reality, he will convince you with a special way, make you feel that you have chosen master. Master have to do very clever, because if he let you know thathe has chosen you, you will create a barrier of self, because self-love for the employer; self-like control. Every daytime I have seasoned the same situation: I can not let you know I choose you, I must give you the emancipation to choose me. but very different, because when a master selected his disciples, he is with a thorough understanding to choice. He penetrate right via you, all your potential, possibilities, past and future - throughout the life written on him. but if you choose to master, you are nearly always the wrong choice, because you are in the dingy. not know who he is, how can you choose? do not know what is the truth, how can you choose a master? how can you decide? No matter what you justice, you will make errors. I can definitely say: This is not some are wrong and some will have a problem. not. Whatever your choice is wrong, because you in the dingy, you do not magistrate on the basis that the internal light, you do not have any standard, you do not have anybody litmus test. You can not know What is gold and what is not gold. a real glass of milk devastate blanket royalty Ning Yun Kum preference mausoleum complex real cup milk demolish ash Cui Ning Yun Wai Kum Hey x Optional stone plinth. a stupid browser will offer to select the master, then, from the At first, there in trouble. Liezi master Lao Tzu and his relationship with a totally different quality. I chose the Lie Zi. The students chose the Yin Lie Zi. If you do choose one of his disciples, he is attacking - because this choice, the offensive began. even if you choose a master, the master nor will you out, just out of pity, he can not refuse you. Whenever Liezi free time, take convenience of this chance to beg for a naturally Yin tips. This begging is not really begging, it is only a snatch. In fact, he was the attacker, not a begging person. Begging is only a foreign means. he was a burglar, not a begging person. Whenever find opportunities, Liezi not busy, he began to beg for tips. Liezi rejected him again and again, disinclined to tell him, until one day he said ... ... many times, Liezi can avert the lag, saying: By the time I will tell you, other times, the time has not arrived, you do not adult. and Yin have the very stubborn, and eventually had to tell the truth before Liezi. He said: I accustom to think you have great genius - do you vulgar to this extent? what is vulgar? secret is not to beg to get, you must acquire tips. You have to become a carrying capability. secret master award to you: you can not steal, you can not go begging, You can not go to grasp, you can not go to pillage - No way. mysteries can only be a award, rather than the other, so you must have a carrying capability, so that the master will put the mystery as a gift to you. he is compliant to share secrets , but you must go further the ordinary mind you, because the ordinary mind there is no power sharing. Jesus has been saying is what I mean: should not throw pearls in front of the piglet. because pigs can not understand, that to understand where it does not exist . You can understand the language, but those tips are not language. You can understand the concepts, but those tips are not concepts. secret is not philosophy, dogma. that is the secret of the inner stamina of the master, there is his treasure. If you higher and higher , you and the teacher is getting closer. only master that you can sit down with him, he will be the secret to you. never be as early as one day. even now he ambitioned to he would not give. give who? out of compassion he was willing to give, but these tips will be wasted. In the figure to Sufi mystics (Dhun-nun) there likewise occurred the same thing. He has a disciple. The disciples, like some students and Yin. He stubbornly asked again and again. One day, figure to give him a stone and told him to go to the market, to the vegetable market, and attempt to sell it. this stone very, very beautiful. But the Master said: out of it. just try to sell it. to scrutinize, ask some people, then just tell me how many to sell it in the vegetable market. Decoration, our children can melodrama, or we can use it as a known weights of edible. So they put out a cost, but only a few coins, who sent about 10 (Paise). that person back. He said: It can only bring 10 persons to sell - is not the same feedback from 2 to 10 to send to send persons with disabilities ranging. out of it, ask the amount of light. - they are out to 10 million rupees. But the male said: said: it, but now you see, this depends on you, see you are not a litmus test, understanding. If you always ask questions, then you are living in the vegetable market. If you live in the vegetable market, then you only understanding that market. Then you will ask for the precious secret: you ask for diamonds. First of all to become a jeweler, and then come to me, I'll teach you. is essential, only then will only be a definite truth to you. The secret? You can not ask for them, because as long as you ask, to show that you are a vegetable market to them. You have to wait, you have endless wait, so to show that you are willing to devote your whole life for this intention. as to show how many you amount these tips - you are willing to sacrifice yourself completely. Then, the master will share with you his presence. Nothing was given. since these are not things. vigor is the same as the flames jumped to you from the master there. it into you, then you changed the whole. I used to think you have great talent - do not you point to insolent to this ? so headstrong question shows a vulgar mind. you do not understand what you are asking. fledgling, puerile off, you look a little training and no, did not know with whom you do not know you ask. then Liezi said the fable of himself and master. It is a rare story. Now, I'll tell you where I learned from the master what. his own master is the father, the author of Taoist tradition is wading on this earth has the greatest one. Liezi said: serve 3 years after the master, my mind will not dare think of right and wrong, my mouth is no longer dare to go about the pros and cons. Until then, my Master only just glanced at me. 3 years now. He just serve the master. can you do? You can only serve the master. In addition, the disciples can not do anything. can not be questioned, can not ask questions, not necessary. disciples can only be a shadow master, serve him. By serve, through his love, affection, confidence, began to alteration his mind. Liezi said: consider what is right and what is wrong is simply not likely. When you're living with the master, you do not need to think about. You just migrate in with him. You took it all to him, you surrender. Liezi said : Overall: there, the wrong and meet the blending, where gloom and light is no longer separated. Heraclitus said: you begin to peep here. Master into a window: the closer you are away from him, the more you understand yourself into chaos. anything until you've have become useless and excessive. you have been vibrated. you The whole basis is jolted. was do a disarray. You never know what's what wrong. you've seen a whole through the master, the overall all inclusive. On the whole embodies all the contradictions, the overall inclusion of all paradox . In the whole, and meet all of the opposites as one. This is why he does not dare to think what Lie Zi, said of what was wrong. All the non-standard all fell off. What is the interest of all notion of what is the drawbacks are gone . Bad and the Ugly and the United States, among the age and the mind - the mind that were no longer occasionally, Is 3 years, never seen Liezi master? impossible. always serve the master, the master must have seen him a few milliin due times. then he said: one eyes are not the same as the window works, but my eyes began to go, it will be my vigor you dump into your face. they are not passive; they bear the Master's energy. When the deepest energy, it only becomes varieties of sense, it is like an arrow, as it will perceive; in dissimilar sense, it is like a seed - you're productive. When I give you a glance, you will understand the feud. Sometimes, I glanced at you - but anytime I glanced at a private one, and only he knows, no one else will know. peek to be is earned, you have to prepare for this intention. Until then, my teacher was just glanced at me. on the move. Look into a vector - it is no longer empty, there are certain things and move it by. If you've ever fall in love, you may know a glimpse of what it is. a female had seen you many times, but This is just ordinary looking - like other people to see you. and then suddenly one day, a spring morn, she gives you a glimpse. it is completely different; it is invited, it is given, it is called. moment, there is something damage your heart. this time the female is no longer the same as before, you are no longer the same as before. Some things happened between you. Only two of you know what happened. This is indeed secret, it is not open. no one else conscious of what happened by, they do not know, likened to, let alone master the look is not watching, but instead a peek. because when two lovers glanced at each other with love, they stand on the same level of mobility. When the master to see you, it was like a spectacular cascades, because their class is different, and this seems to Niagara Falls is dumping you. you are completely rinsed out, you are no longer before you, before you could no longer be you - no way back . Once you master glanced over, there will be your most deep hum-ming in another way, you will live in another rhythm. In fact, you are no longer who you were: in a glance, the age gone, new existence was connate. Liezi say what it means - after Master serve a full 3 years, so ah so, what do not ask, one day, he got a master's glance. 5 years later, my mind and think right and wrong, talked about the pros and cons of my mouth. Master's face for the first time broadened into a smile. try to see through the story: This is your story. This is not what happened in the past, but will happen in the future . All of the Zen story is the story about your future. so do not think it occurs in the past. Zen was never in the past, it has been in the future. You must put it into the present. What happened? serve Master 3 years later, he no longer dared to think of what is nothing wrong, not what am talking about what is wrong, what is disadvantageous to what is useful. Then, after a glimpse of what happened? pros and cons. limitations of your mind. It goes through you and controls you from there. Now, scientists say that we sooner or later be proficient to electrodes installed in the deepest part of the people head, and then, through these electrodes, one can be controlled. The Government will be able to dominate the all country, you do not know other people are dominating you. you feel that you are doing these things. at all times the Move a button, you can make you calm down quickly. As long as Move a button, you can make you petulant. have Cato (Delgedo) made a prominent experiment: he put a electrode, a small electrode mounted on a bull's brain. Then he made a public demonstration of his in his hand, with a small appliance, a small radio whistle, on a few buttons. He pressed a button, so the Bulls rushed to him, aggressive, all of them too afraid of Cato will be killed. legitimate critical juncture, the Bulls will have to amplify penetration plot of the moment, he pressed another button. all of a sudden, the Bulls seemed to like the horde of the dead, like a sculpture. inside the electrode by radio control - just reception a button, Bulls will become savage, but just reception another button, the Bulls and came to an end. This is a very, very new finding, but society began as early as dated times it another way, a shrewd approximate that done. society does not have to install in your mind the electrode, but it will do so immediately, because that cheaper and more simple, since it would not be the feasibility of human freedom, and have done a perilous increase Figure something extremely than atomic energy, atomic bombards or hydrogen bombs more precarious things - those things can devastate your body, derived from Cato is precisely to destroy your conscience, your freedom of likelihood. you do not even kas long asyou are below the command of the deeds of others, you feel that you own operations. with a smart, elemental way, the community of mankind to do the same thing. Social teach you what is right and what is wrong. from infancy Initially, it put right and wrong to join to your head, and then continuously repeated hypnosis you - the perennial repetition and response. Every time you do the time, you will be appreciated; every time when you did wrong , you will be condemned. by the time you do right, you get affirmative feedback: to give you prizes, give you praise. If there is anything wrong, there is a negative feedback: you have been penalized, were doomed. This is social way in which to install the electrode, and then it controls you. If you set your community will make ...

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