Wednesday, April 27, 2011

miracle by their big body How do humans simply tin no mate the precipice hike aboard the walking

I photographed flocks of wild boar
Article,: g the year round in the Qinling Mountains district off hiking, looks innumerable photos of wild animals, but there are 2 dominant with the status of the beast pictures have been scarce, namely is, black bear and wild boar. Although have occasionally discerned from a distance, but exceedingly tough to near, let alone shoot.
piglet is one of our maximum versed animals, but wild animals to people cognition, the wild boar we are quite strange. For example: One of my reporter colleagues in the Qinling Mountains interview, see the farmhouse in front of ruined crops to wild boar horrendous,toronto escort, stepped forward to inquire has compelled his magnificent startle, who lived in the mountains 70 years house landlord said that when the ground is all subject to wild boar break to the harvests, but he has never seen before in this life to live boar!
recent deep jungles in the Qinling shot through the dozens of agreeable times at an insulated, Various skin abrasions, but rewarding, especially a long shot to wish that the hope to be a wild boar was, and I feel much pleasure.
It was a tempestuous chilly night after the (summer rain on the mountain Hanqixiren) in the morning, in the inaccessible ridge line, the sun was shining, the climate fresh. We first base a escaping jump goral, shooting, a team of brutal boar even unknowingly broke into our camera, this group young and old merely baby of extra than 20 feet. We hidden in the shadows under the trees, yet still was not base. the plenary filming process lasted approximately half one hour. Later, they still feel strange, busy storage fled, immediate neglected.
day,UK navy stamina deed arrange issued, we also found somewhere on the cliffs repeatedly, another group of wild boar,beijing escort, this distance. We first inspected a group through a telephoto lens is takin edible, marvel at their big body How do humans simply can not mate the cliff walk on the walking, and suddenly be surprised to see the wild boar 4,5 brain bolted down, scratching and scrambling cliff fall, I guess they ought be nice. This presumption is based in Europe, the Alps, some people ascertain that wild boar ambition can damage their bones. in the Qinling area, wild boar in the trees and rocks are often rubbing their bodies, but also an adept of hard skin, paired with their preference mire bath, it can be said of the dreadful mm thick-skinned wild boar.
wild boar, likewise phoned wild boar. Perhaps the reason has long been to kill human creatures, they are very attentive ecology, favor to conceal in black edges. Wild boar of the time in the early morning and evening, it is not explicit whether the nocturnal. (It appears that research on the wild boar are still numerous gaps to be filled observation.)
in the Qinling mountains, wild boar is the enemy of farming, civil society has been fighting to maintain a wild boar, trend of increasing prevalence in wildlife preservation today, the management had to be apportioned to the chapter of the mountain hunting targets, the growth of wild boar populations artificially restricted. Usually people consider that animals are more fatuous, in fact they are very cunning, alert extremely tall, hunting targets thus difficult to complete.
in Baidu quest because a long time. in the Qinling Mountains area to such a catastrophe have occurred: a farmer woman in labor in their own vegetable garden, actually not reason to be a washed out from the forest, wild boar navel hack open profile, immediately killed.
often hear hunters said:

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