Thursday, May 5, 2011

the quality namely no bad

Loud ruckus can be more healthy to eat dinner
Some people not family for dinner, every day after go began the Some families in the evening by eight or 9, even ten ahead dinner. there are those who work overtime after residing up late to dinner and dinner attach, to sleep now after eating. In fact, these bad habits are easily cause many diseases.
the body during sleep, manifold organs in vivo activities to a minimum, systems in a asleep state, the energy consumption reduced to the class of basal metabolism. If have a good dinner to eat, fullness, excessive consumption of nutrients not to the form of fat deposits in the body, leading to obesity, so easily lead to many diseases.
1, cardiovascular disease
have a good dinner, too full, it will cause gastrointestinal fullness, sit down and watch TV or lay down to sleep, will move the altitude of the heart, or even coerced to place the heart was curtate, oppression coronary arteries, reducing blood supply to the heart, induced angina, myocardial infarction. These diseases ordinarily attack at night, great risk, often lead to decease due to too late to liberate.
2, accelerated atherosclerosis
night of extravagant ingestion of high-quality foods will motivate the liver to generate extra low-density and quite low density lipoprotein, LDL will have 2 digit of serum cholesterol delivery to the arterial walls piled up, causing atherosclerosis.
3, lead to embolization
If the energy intake throughout the day, 70% concentrated in the dinner, can suddenly hoisted blood lipid levels and fat in addition to deposition in the vascular wall, but also straight vascular thrombosis, leading to the heart, brain, kidney fat embolism syndrome, which is a very precarious disease.
4, accelerated aging
small amount of general activities after dinner, go to bed presently , also entered the abdomen recess. If dinner is too large, they had to eat fatty food can lead to premature aging of the human body.
Therefore, we should reception the fewer good not to eat anything except water. and, within 4 hours after dinner, do not work to bed, to grant sufficient time for food digestion.
dine banquet early is suggested along medicinal specialists to people's health good plan. The learn showed namely , dine supper early can greatly reduce the occurrence of urinary tract stones. human constantly in the postprandial pinnacle of calcium row 4 apt 5 hours, whether the dinner too late, while the schedule comes the pinnacle of calcium,guangzhou escort, human must nap, then retention of urine In the ureter, bladder,parents ought take the guide change, urethra and additional urinary tract in vitro can no be expelled, resulting in increased calcium in urine, the formation of small crystals deposited easily,beijing escort, over time, ambition gradually amplify to form stones.
2, elements of eating dinner dinner
must be partial factors, mainly of food wealthy in carbohydrates, principally the intake of some fresh vegetables should be to minimize the excessive protein intake of fatty foods.
excessive intake of protein, the body can not sponge will remain in the intestinal tract, may degenerate, resulting in ammonia, ammonium sulfide and other toxic materials, stimulate the intestinal wall evoked cancer; if eat too many fat, can elevated blood lipids. a massive number of clinical studies validation that normal consumption of meat alternatively fish dinner than people who regularly eat vegetarian lipids generally 3 to 4 times higher, meantime the hazard of high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure who regularly eat meat or fish if the dinner is not alter in the fuel.
attention dinner must be good , but does not require large,beijing escort, but should not be lavish. Second, the dinner the day you can really make a poised food intake. dinner when two or more vegetables, can invest both increased vitamin and fiber. In addition, the sum of pasta can be reduced, appropriate eating whole grains, you can eat small fish. If you can eat dinner hike out after 40 minutes, will be the digestion and absorption of food is very beneficial.
to eat dinner and breakfast, lunch than dinner should eat less. general requirements of the afford of energy is not dinner meals a day more than 30% of the total energy. dinner regular intake of too much energy, can cause increased blood cholesterol, excessive collection of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall passage of time will induce atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. D-fed, blood sugar, amino acids and fatty mordant concentration will increase, people's movement after dinner tend to be small, less energy consumption, these substances will be under the operation of insulin into fat, the body will gradually of obesity over time.
staple food, mainly refers to the food, including rice, flour, cereals, potatoes and so on. and many friends abdicate staple diet that reduce the intake of staple food, by the time the staple food to eat to accomplish weight loss goals, a day to merely eat fruits and vegetables, rarely eat meat and eggs. Indeed, this short phase of time to accomplish weight loss results, but may be emulated by dizziness, nausea, trance, promising to cause peel and dingy, pale complexion problems.
fact , the staple food intake can make a emotion of fullness, to a certain extent, can play the role of dietary restraint. to cut corners, should be reduced is not the staple food of high stamina.
nutritionists clear that the carbohydrate intake of no less than 55% of the total human consumption, if underneath that level, it will produce great harm to the body. However, scale up youth people for panic of weight gain, have chosen to eat or not eat staple food. The third citizen nutrition examine results showed that in some of the more ample households, consumption of animal foods has exceeded the consumption of cereals. Nutrition experts trust that this diet provides the energy and high fat dietary fiber is too low, the prevention of some continuing diseases negatively.
studies have shown that expense of staple food too, excellent impair on the body, characteristic performance:
1, his face ugly
staple food absence, the body absence of carbohydrate needed to. And with the detoxification function of carbohydrates, once the lack of the blood and remove toxic waste can not, it will cause a dull complexion, his face ugly.
2, brain health peril photo
staple foods proceeds is too small, and beast food intake, more severe brain harm. beast fat in the lack of sufficient carbohydrate metabolism of lacking, more will accumulate in the blood of toxic wastes mm ketone, which can cause nausea , labor, and damage to brain health.
3, the staple food staple too easy to insufficient intake of hair wastage
easily lead to nutritional absence of qi and blood, kidney function is not mainly activity, insufficient kidney. from the health science point of outlook, cilia growth and shedding, humidity, and withered with the mushroom and fall of the kidney elite is narrated to insufficient kidney of person hair effortless to fall off, dry, pearly.
So, disburse consideration to the annual staple diet intake, and make the staple edible of the expanded, and Dumplings, fried fritters, spring rolls, milk, yellow packets of food containing starch such as staple food are treated. In truth, the food of fat, calories and other content is tall, eat bad for our health, yet too lead to weight acquisition.
in the celebration food, the food has been very rich, not the lack of protein, the quality is not bad, when most needed is rice starch-based foods such as rice, noodles, etc., not entire production of fine, br> Whether dining out or eat at home more than the type of food, especially meat dishes, every kind of bite to eat, and often no longer eat the food. The staple food intake,beijing escort, non-staple food, especially meat dish to eat too more fat and cholesterol intake increased hence, they may cause obesity and its complications.
correct reach is to avoid eating unlimited food, to assure that the staple food intake, the staple food should be , healthy adults at fewest 300 grams or more per day.
3, grains of
Now, people eat the staple food of more sophisticated, are basically white rice, refined flour and so ashore. Therefore, it was proposed about nourishment eat whole grains peel, seed coat, aleurone membrane, such as rice mildew contains 64% of the nutrients in rice, is where the essence of rice.
rice is access to vitamin B1, minerals and dietary fiber maximum handy, the maximum momentous source If the loss deserving to finish tired, need to compensate through other foods. but oats, barley, buckwheat, corn, maize and sorghum, rice and other grains, contain rice, wheat flour that are missing in nutrients, may play a supplement

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