Thursday, May 5, 2011

premier bathe light

One ambition response, grasp answer
1, the ocean is a blue treasure. It is estimated that if the water on the planet to be purified, availability of 50 million tons of gold, 400 million tons of silver, 4 billion tons of bronze , 13.7 billion tons of iron, 4.1 billion tons of tin, 2.7 billion tons of barium, 7 billion tons of zinc, 13.7 billion tons of molybdenum, 13.7 billion tons of aluminum. Will the oceans involve a total area of ​​the Earth's surface (c)
A.51% B .61% C.71% D.81%
2,2002 In July, UNESCO announced that China's the br> 3, 20-25 km from the ground among the stratosphere, a layer of densely distributed ozone gas, the scientists call global warming
b. control mordant rain formation
c. sunblock % C.30%
5. approximately the National Energy Conservation Week theme of energy preservation arrange with the State Land, we intended the slogan of the State Land Energy Conservation Week A. The Government set one sample B. C. saving institution established to establish a agreeable society
6. (B), the State Land chief government institutions organized interchange of experiences even now to save energy resources, implement the party's sixth five- entire session on building a resource-saving society, the spirit of sharing resources to carry out energy conservation and saving institution building experience, learn and plan the next step the chief state organs, the work of saving energy resources.
A.2006 B on January 15 .2005 November 17 C.2006 on March 1 7. commissioned by the Development and Reform Commission, as a guide central and regional government agencies at all levels of energy conservation, energy conservation projects to ensure that government agencies proceeded, effective implementation of Government Offices Administration of the State Council Board in June 2005 completed the arrangement of (C)
A. 8.2005 on Dec. 3, the State Council agreed in principle (B) (hereinafter referred to as environmental protection work beneath the new location, the magnitude of good guidance.
A. State Council on the development of circular economy and Strengthening Environmental Protection Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Supervision, Environmental Protection Administration jointly issued a (A), encourage the development of energy-saving environment-friendly small automobiles.
B. industrialization progresses, the escalation of consumption architecture, the expedited pace of urbanization, resources, increasing claim, resource afford and claim and environmental oppressions will mushroom. The fundamental direction to solve these problems is to (A).
A. conservation of resources B. C. protecting resources development resources
11. build a conservation-oriented society, is resolved by China's large population, resources, (B), environmental carrying capacity of weak basic conditions of the.
A. relating abundance of B. C. the respective lack of relative surplus
12. build a conservation-oriented society, that is, in social creation, construction, distribution, consumption in all zones of economic and social development in all appearances of real (A) use of resources, improve efficiency of resource use, with minimal consumption of resources for highest economy and social benefits.
A. B. protection and rational development and protection and development of C. rational
13. build a conservation-oriented society, we should economical use of resources and improve resource utilization efficiency as the core, (B), resource utilization and development of recycling economy.
A. savings, thrift, temperance, saving
B. energy, water and materials , land
C. Day, clothing, diet, water,toronto escorts, electricity
14. the development of circular economy and build a conservation-oriented society are inseparable, interrelated and complementary, mutual improvement and development of circular economy is the (A) and building a conservation-oriented society is the goal.
A. B. method based on the premise of C.
15. Central Economic Work Conference that should adhere to (C) simultaneously,neonate formula does no join anyone hormones,beijing massage, to save the first place, vigorously develop the circular economy, and gradually build saving product structure and consumption structure, out of a road with Chinese characteristics, saving way of development.
A. B. Development C. savings savings and the development
16. November 1 of the Eighth National People's Congress passed the twenty-eighth session, in (A) formally implemented, is the supreme decree of energy saving.
A.1998 B. on January 1 December 20, 1997 C.1998 17 on May 1. measures to reduce from the Energy (A) in all aspects of loss and waste, more efficient and rational use of energy.
A. B. produce production to consumption and production to consumption to the eradication of C.
18. production energy products, units and individuals should be in the product manual and product labels affixed to clarify (A).
A. B. unit energy consumption energy consumption concordance C. Maximum energy consumption
19. circuitous economic based on resources (B) the use and recycling for the elementary functions, in line with the principles of sustainable development, economic development prototype, it is alter with the orthodox economic. The traditional economy is: consumption, low pollution, high efficiency and high cycle rates.
A. B. savings C. Protection
20.2005 telling in July published a energy than the antique structure (B) upon.
A. 20% B. 50% C. 75%
21. issued by the Ministry of Construction, Mandatory energy efficiency standards for energy-saving commissioned to design or modify the design documents without authorization, shall be mandated to correct and levy a (A) more than 50 million yuan shall be imposed.
A. 20 B. 10 C. 5
22. The retinue is not invariable with colossal bays and small depth
23. is defined as energy saving building design standards for the design and construction, in the course can reduce the energy consumption of buildings. which is mainly in the (A), refrigeration and other aspects of the use of a large number of new technology.
A. walls structure, glass doors and windows, heating mode B. lighting systems, building structure, heating methods
C. glass gates and windows, internal decoration, water-saving utensils use
24. in order to save energy needs in energy development and utilization of the whole process of technological management and scientific innovation, and to (A) energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption per unit of product.
A. increase B. amplify C. improving
25. building energy consumption is used in the process of building energy consumption, which, (B) the total energy consumption such as building energy consumption accounts for 2 / 3.
A. hot water supply, air conditioning, heating and B. heating, air conditioning, C. lift air, air conditioning, ventilation
26. When conditions permit, government agencies can take advantage of solar energy, geothermal energy and other renewable energy sources.
A.2006 B.2005 on January 1 on December 11 年 3 月 1 C. 2006 27.
C. secondary education, university education, vocational education lessons D.
28. following is not a development, renewable energy development and utilization of B. increasing energy supply, improve energy structure, ensure energy security
C. protect the environment and achieve sustainable economic and social development of D. promote energy
29. does not apply to Renewable Energy Law can not be marked: (A)
A. China's energy problems can be solved very soon
B. China on the development and utilization of renewable energy to improve the knowing of renewable
C. energy valid system has taken a key step on the
D. of the importance of renewable energy level has improved greatly
31. Which of the following does not belong to the renewable energy manufacture standards: (B)
A . nationally uniform technical requirements on renewable energy technology, citizen standards
B. State coal-fired power grid technology criteria
C. unified technical requirements cross the country on renewable energy products, national standards < br> D. national renewable energy power and network technology national standards
32. The state dispensed funds, in addition to aid renewable energy development and utilization, but also to support which of the following work: (D)
A. renewable energy research and demonstration of new technologies of renewable energy
B. product standards and technical specifications
C. renewable energy development of new products and new technology demonstration project more than three
D. aspects are
33. Which of the following does not belong to renewable energy use: (C)
B. Yangbajing geothermal power stations in remote areas of the household PV
C. Using gas turbines for normal gas and medium-sized poultry farms
D. biogas power generation
34. Which of the following renewable energy are: (B)
A. install carbon arrest technology household coal
B. Wind Power Generation System
C. Which nation will take the following amounts to promote renewable energy technologies promoting the use of: (D)
A. renewable energy development and utilization of energy development as a priority area
B. subserve the establishment of the renewable energy mall and evolution
C. The State shall encourage participation in all economic sectors of the main renewable energy development and utilization of the above three are correct
36. new energy, including ocean energy, geothermal energy, (A), students materials can await.
A. hydrogen B. C. gas power
37. renewable energy including solar, hydro, wind, (A), etc..
A. Biomass B. Nuclear C . heat
38. Which of the following China's energy consumption is not a problem: (B)
A. Consumption of large, low levels of per capita consumption, the use of backward technology, clean energy accounted
B. large proportion of energy supply security
C. highlight, high oil import dependency of fossil energy consumption
D. pressure on the environment
39. State waste of resources and solemn pollution of the environment and backward production technology, processes, equipment and products (C) system.
A. B. superfluous fees and charges within the specified phase within a time limit out
40.2004 C. In December, the Ministry of Finance, National Development and Reform Commission issued opinions with plans to divide city) Budget Unit; 2006 budget to amplify to the central two units and city-level allowance units implemented, fully implemented in 2007.
A.2005 B.2003 C.2004
41. a country or district with a growth rate of annual economic growth rate of energy consumption ratio of said (B).
A. Energy Index B. C. bounce of energy consumption energy consumption coefficient
42. on comprehensive energy consumption ( D) tons of standard coal or more of the using units are opener energy elements.
A.3000 B.4000 C.5000 D.10000
A.2005 B.2004 on March 1 on July 13 C.2005 44 on January 1. energy efficiency name will adviser consumers to select to buy energy-saving air-conditioning has played an momentous character. energy efficiency tag in accordance with the EER air conditioner into the 1-5 level, an energy-efficient, five energy efficiency (A).
A. minimum B. C. General
45.1988 maximum year determine the annual (C) as the 1 / 4, National (C) city water.
A.1 / 2 B.1 / 5 C.2 / 3
47. the United Nations each year (C) identified as World Water Day, intentions to in the promotion of integrated water resources planning and management, strengthening protection of water resources to residence the increasingly severe water absences.
A.1 B.2 1 March 22 March 22 March 48 C.3. 2006 regulations, C), and then arrange the annual water conservation plan.
A. Annual water conservation planning
C. water conservation plan water conservation year development plan
51. the city's construction, expansion and reconstruction project should be supporting the construction of water conservation facilities. Urban construction governmental divisions shall participate in water conservation facilities (A).
A. Design Review B. C. completion and approval of construction supervision
52. domestic use by households metering and charging. New residential should be installed (A); the existing tenants are not installed, shall also be installed.
A. metering water meter B. C. Energy-saving smart meter
53.2005 effect on May 1 , B. C. large stream delay from the closed washing device washing device
54. construction area in (A) million square meters, offices, research institutions, universities and large-scale comprehensive cultural and amusements facilities, building area of ​​more than 3 million square meters in the water treatment system to be under construction.
A.2 B.3 C.4
55. (A) effectively refers to urban sewage, or sewage treated to a certain water quality standards can be reused within a certain scope of non-potable water.
A. water B. Water C. water
56. in which the water can not be used for the following purposes: (D)
A. Green washing water water B. C. D. landscape water daily consumption of water
57. units of government agencies should pay attention to green issues in the water, the following approach is not correct: (C)
A. drought tolerance of plants grown as green water, B. C. prerogative to make use of irrigation water in irrigation technology < br> 58. The following practices can not fulfill the purpose of saving is: (D)
A. central air conditioning cooling technology B. condensate resumption boiler technology
C. D. build rooftop rainwater accumulation devices should not be sidewalk shop Road blocks infiltration
59. checked and approved the exemption of energy-saving products in a given period (A).
A. product impose, VAT B. product tax, affair tax C. affair tax, merit added tax < br> 60. adhere to the comprehensive utilization of resources and the technological upgrading of companies and the
A. Who B. Who is responsible for treating C. punished
61. Energy is the three ways: management approach, (A), structure, technical approach means
A. C. B. means of publicity social way
62. saving fashionable materials
C. new equipment, new technologies, new processes, new products
63. monitoring the ecology of the energy conservation is: (A)
A. C. Enforcement voluntary nature of the imperative nature of B. < br> 64. conservation of raw materials is via the (C) way, directly or indirectly, to reduce raw material consumption per unit of product with minimal consumption of raw materials to achieve maximum economic benefits.
A. strict scientific management and the precise dimension of B . advanced technology to strengthen the scientific management and the presentation of C. promote technological progress
65. (B) refers to the science of lighting devise by using high efficiency, long life, security, stability and performance of electrical lighting products, to improve the life of people work to improve conditions and quality, to create efficient, comfortable, safe, frugal and advantageous to the surroundings and fully reflects the light of modern civilization.
A. C. Green Lighting Science Lighting B. energy-efficient lighting
66. ; is (C) International ashore energy-saving, environmental conservation picture of demand lighting system.
A. B. early seventies early eighties early nineties C.
67. Green Lighting kernel content is the same time improving the quality of lighting (B).
A. price B. C. protect the global environment to conserve electricity
68. September 18 by the (B) formal.
A. State Science Commission B. C. State Economic and Trade Commission State
69. World Environment Day is: (C)
A. 3 月 22 日B. 7 月 1 日 C. 6 月 5 日 70.2005 China World Environment Day theme is: (C)
A. Green Cities, Plan for the Planet
B. protect the environment, sustainable development, public participation
C. Everyone participates in building a green home
71. Day 72. At present, China ranks first in the world total keeps of resources (B) bits, but the amount of resources per capita in the world 53, world per capita consumption of only 1 / 2.
A. One B. Three C. b 73. At present, China's energy efficiency level is still low, lagging after the earth advanced level of about (C) ratio points.
A. 3 B. 5 C. 10
74. the world's oil-dominated energy structure , China's energy structure (B) based, is the world's largest country in coal consumption, coal consumption of the world's total 34.4%.
A. gas B. oil C. coal
75. China from (B) became a web oil importer since the foreign dependency has gradually additional net imports of 81.3 million tons of oil in 2002, the foreign dependency rate of 32.8%.
A.1983 B.1993 C.1989
76. air temperature every increase 1oC. can save air conditioning energy consumption 5% m8%, in order to save electricity, air conditioning in summer the temperature should be set at (A) oC over the winter to set in around 20oC.
A.26 B.20 C.22
77. (A) is the provocation to take effective measures to guide consumers to change their way of using energy and time optimal allocation of resources by the activities.
A. B. Demand Side Management Energy Management Contract C. Quantitative energy treatment
78. ground-source heat pump uses less than 15 meters from the surface to hot water heat pumps, advanced ground source heat pump central air conditioning system, (A).
A. heating, cooling, B. hot water heating, hot water C. refrigeration for cold water
79. used and gradually improved.
A. C., Shanghai, China Paris, France B. Japan
80. in foreign travel undertaken by public transport ratio of at least 40%, while China's major cities currently take the bus traffic is ( C).
A.40% ~ 50% B.5% ~ 10% C. 10% ~ 20%
81. The following requirements do not meet water-saving sanitary ware is (C):
A . less than 6 liters of toilet water tank-style toilet block B. Two C. below the surface of the water inlet sanitary ware
82. With the popularity of computers, and the office automation, experts have been advocating (A), conservation of forest resources.
A. paperless office B. Office C. conserve resources information office
83. The following glass insulation is the best: (B)
A. twice glazing B. C. Low-E glass, double insulating glass vacuum
84. refrigerator compressor to be more time for each action to open the door (B) minutes, so to minimize the number of opening and closing door, open the door to shorten each time, you can save electricity.
A.5 B.10 C.15
85, which of the following resources are non-renewable resources? (d)
a.. light b. water c. coal d. e. woods taint < br> 86, of biological resources, including beasts, plants and microbial resources. Currently, the Earth's biological resources are declining at an agitating rate and even the extinction of .2000, the whole world there are about 110 varieties of mammals and 130 species of birds from the earth. What caused the main reason for ebb of biological resources is:
a. survival of the fittest b. c. ecological mar of global warming
87, China is vigorously promoting the use of water-saving lavatory, national standards for water-saving toilet water consumption per flush requirements for not more than (b)
a. 3 升 b.6 c.9 liter 88 liter, the following construction materials that are energy-consuming materials? (a)
a. Aluminum alloy doors and windows lumber doors b. c. d. steel doors and windows aluminum windows and doors
89, does the . garbage pollution caused by relinquished
c. pearly matter at the end of the day the pollution reasoned by imports of foreign garbage
90, what is China's energy development policy (b)
a. Energy both development and conservation, to develop the first place.
b. both energy development and conservation, to save the first place.
91, to life and property losses of the largest marine misadventure is (a)
a . storm surge of El Niño b. c. d. tsunami tide
92, civic solid waste of resources, cutback, sound processing is the best way (c)
a. flaming landfill b. c . the integrated management of
93,21 century's most important and fastest growing, most promising technology is what the three? (b)
a. space development technology, ore resources development technology, ocean development technology
b . materials technology, information technology, biological technology.
c. Space radio manufacturing technology, attractive suspension train manufacturing technology, manufacturing technology
d. ton boats calculator technology, fire vehicle technology, mechanical manufacturing technology.
94, approximately the globe (b) million navy species
a.10 b.20 c.30 million, two million, a total answer
1, refrigerator energy consumption
kin is the most mighty Fridge Air conditioning, power consumption among the two ____ absolute household electricity consumption. refrigerators should be placed in the chilly atmosphere, must not be close a heat source to assure a nice thermal heat sink. used to lessen the frequency and period of opening. ready to dine refrigerated food, straight more energy to melt out. in the buy of the refrigerator, the refrigerator's energy level should be investigated. Last year, 9 major Chinese and exotic brands in the United Nations fridge freezer ,____ from the United Nations 50% moisture, the body heat equilibrium in the customary state, folk feel quite cozy. Secondly, the use of shutters should be thicker. Again, to keep the filter neat and stamp outside sun shade, are conducive to saving. air conditioning should be selected purchase energy-efficient air-conditioning, May 31, Hangzhou, 19 domestic and alien unions announced the results of air-conditioning energy consumption, the most energy-efficient air-conditioning were the top three _ obtain.
Answer: Kelon, Midea, a new fly.
3, washing dirty clothes before saving
to steep for 20 minutes, and then into the washing machine. machines have strong, weak three-block, block by reducing its power consumption. _ 2 commonly accustom block, only to bathe blanket, sofa, canvas only block with ____. using condensed washing method. that is a tub of detergent to clean a few continuous batches of clothes, first wash light, black, after washing, washing powder may be fitting to multiplication All the washing and then wash them one by one.
answer: in the weak; strong.
4, insert the TV power saving
TV, it will preheat tube, do not watch TV, you should Unplug the power, both power and security. TV color, sensibility of volume and brightness to the people best competent to stretch the life of the TV, and generally saving ____.< br> Answer: 50% < br> 5, remote shutdown most household appliances have described
remote control. The real power off should rotate off the power alternate on ____.
answer: the machine. TV remote control off the TV in equitable high-voltage parts mow off, shut down the machine image display and audio, while the machine's power rectifier, remote control whistle receiving portion and the picture tube filament and so is still in working condition.
6, irons irons should be selected energy
Share thermostat, this iron both heating up quick, to automatically power off after use requirements. ironing clothes, in the initial stages of the first iron power than ____ of temperature, the temperature increases, then ironing more ____ temperature, the power, then iron as part of the temperature over ____.
Answer: low; high; low 7, renovation house wiring wiring from the new energy saving
start, disburse consideration ; intelligent wiring, br> Answer: refrigerator; air conditioning.
8, saving
cook rice cookers, when the boil fknow next to nothing ofme time, gently heave clasp to bound, the use of waste heat to measure out the water dry, then reception the button, the rice is done automatically after the jump. a towel and cover pot, reduce heat loss. cooker plug ____ promptly after use, so as not to waste electricity.
answer : Unplug.
9, refrigerator, color TV with socket
family refrigerator, color TV ____ a plug should be used.
Answer: 2. for the refrigerator and color TV are large starting present, starting new refrigerator 5 times the rated current, starting current of TV's current rating of 7 to 10 times. such as refrigerators, color TV at the same time begin, socket contacts and leads are unbearable, it will influence each other, resulting in accidental risks. Meanwhile, on color TV , in the refrigerator up and fleeing will generate electromagnetic waves, but also for of the refrigerator, television, subject to interference from closely spaced, so TV image instability, there clamor.
10, energy saving lamps in the same brightness
, energy-saving lamps save electricity than incandescent ____, and longer life. ordinarily watch TV, and only 1 watt energy-saving fluorescent lamp, which saves electricity, but also ideal for viewing results. but also do people go out the lamp, the eradication of Solder filament cloth washing peacekeeping can be set 3m4 minutes,shanghai massage, wash clothing very polluted set 10m12 minutes, may I ask, cotton and linen cloth washing preferably how much time? (6m8 minutes)
1 2, many families have a microwave oven, how to use before saving it? (processed foods should be additional membrane of protective membrane, so that water does not disappear edible, luscious, and retention energy.
13, a 3mm5 port's family the right to buy what kind of microwave oven ? (optional power 800Wm1000W on the line, too many power in the costs of electricity)
14, so that air power, there are many tips, please state 3.
(volume size selection should be based on the room air conditioner capacity and attempt to use energy effective products;
air conditioners should not be installed in areas exposed to direct brightness, and the top Canadian in the outdoor air conditioner awning;
regular upkeep, cleaning filters on time, so more effective;
heated indoor and outdoor air to be used ventilators to reduce the cooling wastage, indirectly reduce the air conditioning start-up time;
to memorize when using the air conditioner off doors and windows. At the same time not to tune air conditioner thermostat to the chilly.)
15,shanghai escort, many air-conditioning, slumber feature, or called the economic function. nap, decrease the heat the person body, is not acute to temperature alteration. nap function is to set in people's sleep after a definite period, air-conditioning automatically raise the indoor temperature. use this feature energy-saving effect can play a tiny? (20% of the energy-saving effect)
1 6, it was suggested that the water heater when in use to open it power, what is the circumstance it? (This depends on the circumstances, whether you often need to use at home each daytime inside the hot water and heat ...

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