Thursday, May 5, 2011

dissimilar time

have resolved apt voyage nigh the earth a herring. swim apt the depths of the Atlantic. It was virtually swallowed along a shark, merely likewise almost kick at an cordless eel death, dissimilar time, it was virtually a stingray.

herring to work home, entire the friends and family have come to watch it, we being, and it hosted Jie Feng, the best edible is shared out with it, but it fair did not concern to gape, said: , Need the world has tasted it, you are palatable in any case not dream how. , and p> to the breeding season, it also refused to arrange egg,shanghai escort, said: herring to swim to it ahead, said: very sad. Also, whether you do not eat, you ambition starve to death. I have saw it, immediately I have who knows anything.

I do not know what it is? a fishing canoe, all the herring was a wash sweep and taken to mall ashore the day. Some folk bring the has traveled over the world,guangzhou escort, know everything.

it continues to migrate ahead, swam to the wide Pacific . When the swim to the deepest ocean, it base namely sea is so deep, the sun can not approach everywhere is dingy. here's the fish,shanghai escort, and some pate Tour the chilly of Siberia to the northern waters where the sea ice year-round coverage. it swim cross the Greenland and Iceland, the last voyage back family - the North Sea.

can it still continued to swim along forward, from the dome of Africa at the swim across the creek, arrived the Indian Ocean. a great many fish swam around it, there are octopus, swordfish, sawfish,game category type, swordfish, mackerel, blackfish, mudfish, etc., these fish fashion, body and color vary, so it was very curious. It swam into the Java Sea. it can out of the water here to see the fish, the fish can live in the sea, there can fin fish,guangzhou massage, wading. it went on voyage to the Coral Sea, where innumerable microorganisms shell off, cornered to rock, piles up the mountain.

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