Thursday, May 5, 2011

Everyone knows where the Nansha argue originated.

South China Sea, Sino-US confrontation:
a soft era
opposition U.S. ships in the South China Sea confrontation,beijing escort, is the world condemned to events.

the United States has never been self-sustaining global interests apt the earth for home, cruising in the sea for anybody in their own behind garden Xianting wade, by far the Soviet Union vanished behind the competitors have never met. But today, China's warship actually flew Hengdao ,shanghai massage, the competitors said: Sir, here is our preferential economic area, do not over-watching as presence.
was true this period from near
Today, 80% of China's oil imports via sea transmission. in the South China Sea a day through the service in China, where oil tankers and vessel ships of up to 80 ships,30 minutes 50, maritime lifeline of China's economic development is clearly catching fashion. U.S. sooner or afterward in the Spratly Islands and the Strait of Malacca to head-on collision, is required is a stuff of time.
a new era of confrontation era mm soft
US-Philippine exercises began noiselessly, Italy
in China recently, in a month's time, consecutive memorabilia around China, and has a strong and provocative:
mm2 mid-May, the Philippines passed a bill to China Huangyan Island and Nansha Islands and designated as portion of Philippine territory.
mm2 17, China's team members died.
mm3 5 March, the Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura said the United States Government confirmed that: *** if attacked, will become the unlocked a report that whether Taiwan, Korea and Japan announced a preparedness absences, they will presently have a and Sung Tsai reefs of these islands and reefs of Malaysia affirmed sound, the Pentagon announced that more then send a destroyer escort into the area, ; clear and noisy signal ; no time strategic position and an addition in the South China Sea. Americans must onset premier, just to take this opportunity to perform. But this is the Americans seized on the issue, ulterior motives, and military control over the South China Sea. because In the southern part of Hainan, has set up a found. The United States is decided to maintain its military power as the region's digit one position. can not be resolved by peaceful consultations. In this circumstance, method soft against the paramilitary is the best solution. Soft confrontation, is the use of non-military personnel in paramilitary or non-military confrontation. or use a non-confrontational fashions of used in military operations. American ships into a scientific research ship replaced, so the logic is in use.
All this gave a clear marking to human, a area nigh the Chinese and soft against the current epoch mm era has quietly come.
Nansha, South China Sea, the strategic position of the chart
confrontation happened in the South China Sea, Why? because it is predestined to land. amenable, the Malacca Strait, the United States are not allowed to encroach on the riparian countries bent; to After the Taiwan Strait status quo, the United States do not a good treatise. Only the South China Sea, the waters broad, squabbles everywhere, intricate,toronto escorts, just here.
Everyone knows where the Nansha dispute originated.
in not the far past, the Spratly Islands do not plea to people's interest. this sea area, China opened the Maritime Silk Road since then, those who left the island in the sea maximum of the Chinese people's footprints .20 back and forth before the century, 30 annuals, no any country's sovereignty over the Nansha Islands of China has raised objections.
appending to smell favor the ocean a few French settlers began occupying the island, the United Nations, until the late 60s a technological investigation, the disclosure of this area's rich fuel and gas keeps, and the subsequent awakening. Over the past namely not an is amused in the islands, beaches, and even dipped rocks in the sea, suddenly worth a hundred times overnight. South China Sea, Vietnam, neighboring countries, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and other countries have or the plenary Spratly Islands some reefs demand of sovereignty, and sent troops to capture some of the reefs. The charter charting of China as a country, its waters to additional countries to seize the issue, yet slow rejoinder.
from China that 10 years, the neighboring countries Sheng invited international companies flocked to drill extra than a thousand in the jaws of the Nansha Islands and found that extra than 200 oil and gas buildings and more than 180 oil and gas fields in 1999, more than 4,000 tons of year output of oil, natural gas,beijing escort, 31 billion cubic m, respectively, then the yearly output of China's aggregate offshore oil and gas production of 2.5 times and 7 times. Today, these countries have mammoth economic benefits acquired in the Spratly Islands. According to reports, at fewest from the Nansha Islands in Vietnam in 2006 mined 12 million tons oil and gas, is open 2007 tender exploration in the Nansha stamina; At the same time, construction of facilities on the islands are still in the South Island, set up to mid-sized aircraft landing the airport, likewise built a mobile communications satellite floor station transceiver. the resources they depend on the Nansha Islands Brunei in the ranks of the rich countries in the world. On the contrary, China has sovereignty over the Nansha Islands, but on the development of resources in the Spratly Islands are lagging after.
Vietnam in the Spratly Islands and the other side of the drilling platform
as a strategic maritime oil transport outlets, the magnitude of the South China Sea has shrunk, the strategic position of straight up. some huge powers for the purpose of their different strategies, and actively inflate the inspire of the South China Sea, the reconnaissance team of States, Japan, destroyer India's mission forces, are entered in the manifold names in the field, so that the South China Sea to beyond deepen the international level.
China have to learn how to encounter the antagonist
Marcus - Lang Dorset, Ocean Research Vessel
course to the South China Sea aboard the Columbia University Lamont - Doherty Earth Observatory is responsible for the use of , is said to do ambition be a This is undoubtedly a sensitive time in the current needlessly vex one episode ; If we think that the confrontation ambition be avoided to dodge hereafter problems, we may have committed a solemn misdeed. Mr. President, your test here. ; United States did not let the Russian nuclear submarine in North Sea into the Russian security zone. To this end, we have no legitimate cause for the South China Sea of ​​China to the United States or our allies launched ballistic missiles to the safe asylum. small friction at sea occur frequently in the past, major powers such a game among the Navy, the two are not public. this operation, the United States publicly condemned not merely China, but also ambition to keep working.
China always has how not ready, to be pushed to the international frontier; do not have the strength when the opponent has stood in the doorway Jiaozhen. Relying above this, China must learn to become a adult multinational political game actors, primarily to rival the United States.
played against the United States, with the typical soft against the present specifics of the ship against the two big countries have a civilian as a precursor to the backing of the military, a signal around with gambling, a with tap water fight, as a paramilitary modern drama. behind the scenes in this drama is the debut of Obama, in cooperation with the U.S. naval corner of a small test. and are studying ocean-going military tactics in China, Although small, is rising. This is precisely plans the two countries the best opponents. In today's world, the United States set up the stage to perform a new chaste drama: the United States good capabilities, muscular but not foolhardy, to constantly be around in China beat small to activity a series of small, often approaching the base line, reserve the test cards in China, about China at intervals to touch the most acute nerves. and China for thousands of efforts to learn the road can not be pearly. must use soft power and hard power Tai Chi combines Raiders defensive back scored big just big soft, and provocative response to the crisis to counter U.S. hegemony.
China's 311 major fishery ship
Deng's strategic legacy left to future generations , the learn to handle with them, learn how to use the military strength and orthodox wisdom to defend their interests.
Chinese fishery ships 311

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